Travelling in Rwanda

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Travel advice

You can read the travel advice for Rwanda on the general website of the FPS Foreign Affairs in Dutch and in French.

Belgians in distress

Despite all your precautions, you get into a distress situation abroad. What to do? Read more...

Contact details for Belgians in distress

After working hours and during weekends, Belgian nationals can reach the Embassy in Kigali via the emergency number +250 78 830 14 74. This service is meant for urgent cases only, such as accidents or the loss or theft of documents. Visa questions do not fall under this category.

Travellers Online

No country is completely safe from crisis, attacks, or accidents. Register your trip on Travellers Online. This will make it easier for the FPS Foreign Affairs to inform and support you. Your details will always remain confidential.


The Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) has created an application called Wanda which informs travelers about the risks they face for their health depending on their destination. With this tool, the Institute wants to reach people who are currently abroad. Read more...