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- Go to the website https://visaonweb.diplomatie.be.
Create a user account by completing all the fields (first name, name, e-mail), choose a language, click on the field ‘I am not a robot’ and follow the instructions.
Choose a password (and confirm it) to access this secure website.
Once you have created a user account and confirmed the password, log in to go through this secure website (which starts with a screen and a welcome word).
Go to the left column (in the black border) and click on the third icon.
By clicking on the third icon you will have the choice between 'application', 'new application' and 'application list', click on 'new application'.
Clicking on 'new application' will bring up the online visa application form (corresponding to the paper version).
Fill in the online form. Make sure you fill in all fields (including those with an asterisk). You can click on the question mark to get additional information about the field to be filled in.
When you have fully completed the form, click 'submit application'.
If the form has not been filled in completely, an explanation of the fields that have not been filled in or are incomplete will appear at the top of the form so that you can complete or correct them. Once you have made the corrections, you can submit the application again.
Print the application form as soon as the application has been submitted.